
Daily Mail Trophy Race

Boreham, 11 Aug 1951

1 Brian Shawe-Taylor (4.5 F1) 1.5-litre ERA C Type [R8C] - s/c 6
#15 (see note 1)
15 34m 16.0s
2 Graham Whitehead (4.5 F1) 1.5-litre ERA B Type [R10B] - s/c 6
#16 (see note 2)
15 35m 38.2s
3 Leslie Allard (libre) 5.4-litre Allard J2 - Cadillac V8
#97 S H Allard
15 36m 23.4s
4 George Abecassis (F2) 2-litre HWM 51 ['5'] - Alta 4
#1 (see note 3)
5 Oscar Moore (F2) 2-litre HWM 50 ['1'] - Alta 4
#3 (see note 4)
6 Roland Dutt (libre) 2.6-litre Maserati 8C [3001] - s/c 8

7 Tony Stokes (F2) 2-litre Alta F2 [F2-3] 4
#2 Ecurie Cowell-Stokes

8 Gordon Watson (F2) 2-litre Alta F2 [F2-2] 4

R Tony Rolt (4.5 F1) 1.5-litre Delage 15S8 [WMG102] - ERA s/c 6
#20 R R C Walker (see note 5)
R Kenneth McAlpine (F2) 2-litre Connaught A [A1] - Lea-Francis 4
10 throttle-linkage
R Duncan Hamilton (4.5 F1) 1.5-litre Maserati 4CL [1585] - s/c 4
(see note 6)
6 piston
R Roy Salvadori (4.5 F1) 1.5-litre Alta GP [No 2] - s/c 4
#26 J H Webb (see note 7)

UNK Bill Dobson (F2) 2-litre BMW 328 Special [85268] 6

UNK John James (4.5 F1) 1.5-litre Maserati 4CLT-48 ['P1'] - s/c 4
#18 R M Blomfield (see note 8)

DNS John Webb (libre) 1.1-litre Turner Special - MG s/c 4
Did not start
DNS Dennis Poore (libre) 3.8-litre Alfa Romeo 8C-35 [50013] - s/c 8
Did not start
DNS Reg Parnell (libre) 2-litre ERA D Type [R4D] - s/c 6
#12 Raymond Mays (see note 9)
Did not start
DNS Duncan Hamilton (4.5 F1) 4.5-litre Talbot T26C [110 011] 6
#17 (see note 10)
Did not start
DNS Joe Ashmore (4.5 F1) 1.5-litre ERA B Type [R12B] - s/c 6
#14 Reg Parnell (see note 11)
Did not start
DNS D Bond (4.5 F1) 1.5-litre ERA - s/c 6
Did not start
DNS Pat Garland (4.5 F1) 4.5-litre Talbot T26C [110 010] 6
#23 (see note 12)
Did not start
DNS Jack Goodhew (libre) 2.9-litre Alfa Romeo Tipo B [50006] - s/c 8
Did not start
DNS Bob Cowell (F2) 2-litre Alta F2 [F2-3] 4
#2 Ecurie Cowell-Stokes
Did not start
DNS Philip Fotheringham-Parker (4.5 F1) 1.5-litre Maserati 4CL [1585] - s/c 4
#27 (see note 13)
Did not start
DNS Philip Fotheringham-Parker (4.5 F1) 1.5-litre ERA B Type [R5B] - s/c 6
#27 (see note 14)
Did not start
(alternative entry)
Qualifying information not available

Notes on the cars:

  1. ERA C Type [R8C] (Brian Shawe-Taylor): Built in 1938 using mechanical parts from R8B and raced by Earl Howe 1938 and until a crash in the 1939 International Trophy. Then to Reg Parnell for 1946, Cuth Harrison from 1947 to 1951, Brian Shawe-Taylor 1951 and 1952; then a chain of other owners until acquired in 1977 by Bruce Spollon. Rebuilt to correct C-type specs and raced from 1981 to 2003.
  2. ERA B Type [R10B] (Graham Whitehead): Peter Whitehead's regular B Type from 1936 to 1952 (also driven by Peter Walker and Graham Whitehead). Then via other UK and US owners to Nick Mason who raced and demonstrated it for more than 20 years from 1980. With Paddins Dowling by 2006. Retained 2007.
  3. HWM 51 ['5'] (George Abecassis): The number '5' is used to denote that this was the fifth 1951 car to appear, referred to in Denis Jenkinson's Racing Car Review and elsewhere as the discarded prototype chassis. It only raced at Boreham in August of 1951 and then became the basis of the works HWM-Jaguar 'HWM 1'. Doug Nye's Powered By Jaguar gives a chassis number of '108'. Continued in this form through a chain of owners until bought by Andrew Hedgeman. Retained 2005.
  4. HWM 50 ['1'] (Oscar Moore): The number '1' is used here purely for convenience; the actually chassis number of this car is unknown. Distinctive features of this car's windscreen and tail allow it to be tracked through 1950 be photographs. This was the prototype of the 1950 works F2 cars and after use by the works team in 1950 was sold to Oscar Moore for 1951, registered XMC 34 and converted in 1952 to fit a 3.4-litre Jaguar XK engine. It went to Gerry Scali in 1955 then to Terry Grainger who retained it until 2005. Doug Nye does not quote a chassis number for this car in Powered By Jaguar but the F1 Register record it as chassis FB104.
  5. Delage 15S8 [WMG102] (Tony Rolt): Numbered '5' by Alan Burnard in his histories as a continuation of the works numbering but also logically 'WMG 102'. The second 1937 White Mouse Garages ifs car, using parts from ex-works 1926/27 GP 2,3 and 4 on a new chassis. Possibly not completed until acquired by Reg Parnell during the war. Driven in 1946 sprints by his nephew Roy Parnell, then by Dick Habershon in club events 1947-49 and Rob Walker (driver Tony Rolt) 1949. Fitted with E-Type ERA engine and campaigned by Walker as the ERA-Delage 1951-53, usual driver Rolt but also Peter Walker, Eric Thompson, Roy Salvadori and, in occasional sprints, Rob Walker himself. Alan Burnand in sprints 1954-56 then in historic racing with Joe Goodhew, Ray Potter, Patrick Lindsay, Anthony Mayman and, since 1993, Bruce Spollon.
  6. Maserati 4CL [1585] (Duncan Hamilton): Delivered on 30 Apr 1947 to Enrico Plate's team and driven by a variety of drivers from 1947 to 1949, including Emmanuel de Graffenried. Sold to Joe Fry for 1950, but passed after Fry's death in July 1950 to Duncan Hamilton and Philip Fotheringham-Parker who campaigned it in British races until then of the F1 formula in 1951. Campaigned widely in UK historic racing events by several British owners until passing to the current owner, Oliver Maierhofer (Germany) On display at Tubingen Motor Museum in 2007.
  7. Alta GP [No 2] (Roy Salvadori): This car was built for Geoffrey Crossley and raced until 1951. Then broken up to create a special. (Source: Directory of Historic Racing Cars, Jenkinson)
  8. Maserati 4CLT-48 ['P1'] (John James): In November 1950 Reg Parnell advertised a 4CLT as "virtually an English production of the 4CLT Maserati". Given the way Parnell and Maserati operated at this time, it would seem likely that the car was built from factory-supplied components but assembled in the UK for tax reasons. Roy Blomfield and John James bought this car and raced it; then it went to George Weaver in US together with Leslie Brooke's 1595. From Weaver's estate to Tom Wheatcroft by 1974 and now in the Donington Museum.
  9. ERA D Type [R4D] (Reg Parnell): The sole D-Type, built in 1938 using mechanical parts from R4C and raced by factory drivers Mays and Dobson 1938-39. Sold to Mays when he left the team and raced by him until 1950. Then via Ron Flockhart, Ken Wharton and a chain of other owners into historic racing in 1966. Via further UK and Indian owners to Mac Hulbert in 2001.
  10. Talbot T26C [110 011] (Duncan Hamilton): Talbot-Lago T26C chassis '110 011' was Johnny Claes car in 1948-50 and then sold to Duncan Hamilton (and Fotheringham-Parker) and raced 1951-53. Stored in France until 1955 when Hamilton sold it to Allan Freeman in New Zealand who raced it through to 1961. It was bought by Joe Hepworth in 1963 and returned to England; then via other UK and French owners until sold to Bernie Ecclestone 1996. Retained 2002.
  11. ERA B Type [R12B] (Joe Ashmore): Built by White Mouse Stable in 1939 on a new factory B-Type chassis and using the mechanical parts from R12C. Raced by Bira 1946-47 as 'Hanuman II' then to David Hampshire and David Murray for 1949 and 1950. Through a chain of mainly Scottish owners and then to Sam Tingle in Rhodesia in 1957. Then via Allan Gillespie back to Britain for Bill Morris in 1962. Campaigned by Morris up to 1998 then to David Wenman in 1999. Retained 2007.
  12. Talbot T26C [110 010] (Pat Garland): Talbot-Lago T26C chassis '110 010' was P A T Garland's very rarely-used car, entered for four races over that period but did not start any! Via Serge Pozzoli to Schlumpf Collection and still in Musée de l'Automobile 2001.
  13. Maserati 4CL [1585] (Philip Fotheringham-Parker): Delivered on 30 Apr 1947 to Enrico Plate's team and driven by a variety of drivers from 1947 to 1949, including Emmanuel de Graffenried. Sold to Joe Fry for 1950, but passed after Fry's death in July 1950 to Duncan Hamilton and Philip Fotheringham-Parker who campaigned it in British races until then of the F1 formula in 1951. Campaigned widely in UK historic racing events by several British owners until passing to the current owner, Oliver Maierhofer (Germany) On display at Tubingen Motor Museum in 2007.
  14. ERA B Type [R5B] (Philip Fotheringham-Parker): Bira's second car, acquired in 1936 and named 'Remus' . Raced for White Mouse Stable in 1936 but used only as a back-up car 1937. Via Tony Rolt from 1938 to 1945, Ian Connell in 1946, Peter Bell (driver John Bolster) 1947-49 and others until bought by the Lindsay family in 1958. Raced by Hon Patrick Lindsay in historic events 1959-85 and, since his death, by son Ludovic Lindsay 1986-2000. Retained by the family in 2007.


Note that the identification of individual cars in these results is based on the material presented elsewhere in this site and may in some cases contradict the organisers' published results.

All comments, clarifications, corrections and additions are most welcome. Please email Allen (allen@oldracingcars.com) if you can help in any way with our research.