
Kenning Trophy

Gamston Airfield, 21 Jul 1951

1 Bob Gerard (libre) 2-litre ERA A Type [R4A] - s/c 6
#62 (see note 1)
50 1h 04m 30.0s
2 John Sutherland (4.5 F1) 1.5-litre ERA C Type [R8C] - s/c 6
#65 B N Shawe-Taylor (see note 2)
3 Graham Whitehead (4.5 F1) 1.5-litre ERA B Type [R10B] - s/c 6
#60 (see note 3)

4 Claud Hamilton (4.5 F1) 1.5-litre ERA B Type [R1B] - s/c 6
#59 (see note 4)

5 Dennis Poore (libre) 3.8-litre Alfa Romeo 8C-35 [50013] - s/c 8

R David Hampshire (4.5 F1) 1.5-litre ERA A Type [R1A] - s/c 6
#68 (see note 5)

R John James (4.5 F1) 1.5-litre Maserati 4CLT-48 ['P1'] - s/c 4
#63 (see note 6)

R Roland Dutt (libre) 2.6-litre Maserati 8C [3001] - s/c 8

DNS Brian Shawe-Taylor (4.5 F1) 1.5-litre ERA C Type [R8C] - s/c 6
#65 (see note 7)
Did not start
DNS John Virr (libre) 3.3-litre Bugatti Type 57 [57311] 8
Did not start
DNS Edward Greenall (libre) 2.3-litre Bugatti Type 35B [4950] - s/c s8
Did not start
DNS Dan Margulies (4.5 F1) 3-litre Talbot 105 6
Did not start
DNS David S Boston Austin 7
Did not start
Qualifying information not available

Notes on the cars:

  1. ERA A Type [R4A] (Bob Gerard): Pat Fairfield's customer A Type then via Norman Wilson to reg Parnell in 1942 and Bob Gerard as a hillclimb car in 1945 to Rhodesian owners in the 1950s. Returned to the UK in the mid-1960s and raced in historic events with 2-litre engine by Peter Brewer 1954-65 and Sir John Venables-Llewellyn 1967-93. Via another UK owner to Jöst Wildbolz (Switzerland) in 1999. Retained 2007.
  2. ERA C Type [R8C] (John Sutherland): Built in 1938 using mechanical parts from R8B and raced by Earl Howe 1938 and until a crash in the 1939 International Trophy. Then to Reg Parnell for 1946, Cuth Harrison from 1947 to 1951, Brian Shawe-Taylor 1951 and 1952; then a chain of other owners until acquired in 1977 by Bruce Spollon. Rebuilt to correct C-type specs and raced from 1981 to 2003.
  3. ERA B Type [R10B] (Graham Whitehead): Peter Whitehead's regular B Type from 1936 to 1952 (also driven by Peter Walker and Graham Whitehead). Then via other UK and US owners to Nick Mason who raced and demonstrated it for more than 20 years from 1980. With Paddins Dowling by 2006. Retained 2007.
  4. ERA B Type [R1B] (Claud Hamilton): The first B Type, raced by Dick Seaman in 1935 and then via Jock Manby-Colegrave and bandleader Billy Cotton to Cuth Harrison in 1948 as as spare for R8C. Later via Claud Hamilton and David Good in hillclimbs in the 1950s until going into historic racing in 1957. Raced by Patrick Marsh and later his widow Sally from 1964 to 1997, usually driven from 1987 by Duncan Ricketts. Via further US and German owners; owned by Michael Gans (US) in 2007.
  5. ERA A Type [R1A] (David Hampshire): The original 1934 prototype, this car was driven by Mays, Cook, Seaman and others before the war. Later to John Heath (HW Motors) 1946, Reg Parnell's team 1947, David Hampshire 1948-51 and then to Alistair Birrell and Ron Flockhart in Scotland in 1952. Into historic racing when it was owned by Sandy Murray from 1959 to 1982 and frequently raced by Tony Merrick. Then through a further chain of owners until acquired by Dean Butler in 2005.
  6. Maserati 4CLT-48 ['P1'] (John James): In November 1950 Reg Parnell advertised a 4CLT as "virtually an English production of the 4CLT Maserati". Given the way Parnell and Maserati operated at this time, it would seem likely that the car was built from factory-supplied components but assembled in the UK for tax reasons. Roy Blomfield and John James bought this car and raced it; then it went to George Weaver in US together with Leslie Brooke's 1595. From Weaver's estate to Tom Wheatcroft by 1974 and now in the Donington Museum.
  7. ERA C Type [R8C] (Brian Shawe-Taylor): Built in 1938 using mechanical parts from R8B and raced by Earl Howe 1938 and until a crash in the 1939 International Trophy. Then to Reg Parnell for 1946, Cuth Harrison from 1947 to 1951, Brian Shawe-Taylor 1951 and 1952; then a chain of other owners until acquired in 1977 by Bruce Spollon. Rebuilt to correct C-type specs and raced from 1981 to 2003.


Note that the identification of individual cars in these results is based on the material presented elsewhere in this site and may in some cases contradict the organisers' published results.

All comments, clarifications, corrections and additions are most welcome. Please email Allen (allen@oldracingcars.com) if you can help in any way with our research.