
Queensland Road Race Championship

Lowood, 11 Jun 1961

1 Bill Patterson (libre) 2.5-litre Cooper Mk IV 'T51' ["F2-2-57" or "F2-5-57"] - Climax FPF 4
#9 Bill Patterson Motors Pty. Ltd.
(see note 1)
27 46m 38.8s
2 Alec Mildren (libre) 2.9-litre Cooper Mk IV 'T51' [F2-22-59] - Maserati
#1 A. G. Mildren Pty. Ltd. (see note 2)
3 Stan Jones (libre) 2.3-litre Cooper Mk IV 'T51' [F2-7-60] - Climax FPF 4
#2 Moran Motors Pty. Ltd. (see note 3)
4 Bruce Coventry (FJ) 1-litre Lotus 18 [18-J-796] - Ford
#14 A. B. Coventry

5 Noel Barnes (unknown) 1.5-litre MG Special - s/c
#49 N. F. Barnes

6 Arnold Glass (IC) 2.5-litre Cooper Mk IV 'T51' ['CTA/59/F1'] - Maserati 250S 4
#7 Capitol Motors (see note 4)
7 Glyn Scott (libre) 2-litre Cooper Mk II 'T43' [F2-28-57] - Climax FPF 4
#20 G. A. Scott
12 steering
R Des Kelly (2.5 F1) 2.5-litre Ferrari 555 [555-1] 4
#17 Kelly's Annerley Auto
21 valves
R Len Deaton (FJ) 1-litre Cooper Mk II 'T43' [F2-7-57?] - Ford
R John Hough (libre) 3.4-litre HWM 51 [6-51-52?] - Jaguar XK120 6
#3 Rawthorne's Garage
5 fuel mixture
R Tom Corcoran (FJ) 1-litre Lola Mk2 [BRJ18]
#12 Scuderia Veloce
DNS Roy Morris (unknown) 2.4-litre Holden Special 6
#40 E. R. Morris
Did not start
DNS Bevan Fleming (sports racing) 1-litre Lotus 15 [609] - Ford
Ann Thompson
Did not start
  Keith Russell (unknown) 1.5-litre MG Special [MG TC]
#37 D. K. Russell
On entry list
  J V Joyce (libre) 1.5-litre Cooper
#39 J. V. Joyce
On entry list
1 Alec Mildren (libre) 2.9-litre Cooper Mk IV 'T51' [F2-22-59] - Maserati
2 Stan Jones (libre) 2.3-litre Cooper Mk IV 'T51' [F2-7-60] - Climax FPF 4
3 Bill Patterson (libre) 2.5-litre Cooper Mk IV 'T51' ["F2-2-57" or "F2-5-57"] - Climax FPF 4
4 Arnold Glass (IC) 2.5-litre Cooper Mk IV 'T51' ['CTA/59/F1'] - Maserati 250S 4
5 Glyn Scott (libre) 2-litre Cooper Mk II 'T43' [F2-28-57] - Climax FPF 4
6 Des Kelly (2.5 F1) 2.5-litre Ferrari 555 [555-1] - Ferrari 4
7 Bruce Coventry (FJ) 1-litre Lotus 18 [18-J-796] - Ford
8 John Hough (libre) 3.4-litre HWM 51 [6-51-52?] - Jaguar XK120 6
9 Tom Corcoran (FJ) 1-litre Lola Mk2 [BRJ18]
10 Len Deaton (FJ) 1-litre Cooper Mk II 'T43' [F2-7-57?] - Ford
11 Noel Barnes (unknown) 1.5-litre MG Special - MG s/c

Notes on the cars:

  1. Cooper Mk IV 'T51' ["F2-2-57" or "F2-5-57"] (Bill Patterson): In December 1960, Bill Patterson acquired a full 2.5-litre Cooper T51 in England and had it shipped to Australia. This "new" car has been described by Patterson and by later owner Murray Richards in a number of ways, including "ex-works", "ex-Brabham" and "ex-Salvadori". It was said to have been bought from a private team and given the dispersal of the 1959 works T51s, that suggests either Tommy Atkins team or Fred Tuck's. The Salvadori reference would indicate Atkins' team so this car may be the late 1959 works car that was then acquired by Atkins for Salvadori to race in F1 in 1960. Whatever its origins, Patterson debuted the car at Warwick Farm on 29 Jan 1961 and used it to win the 1961 Gold Star. He retained it as a show car after replacing it in 1963 and finally sold it in 1988 to Murray Richards for historic racing. It was sold to Rod Jolley in England in the mid-1990s. It was still owned by Jolley in 2007.
  2. Cooper Mk IV 'T51' [F2-22-59] (Alec Mildren): Delivered to A Mildren (Australia) less engine in Oct 1959 according to the Cooper Register.
  3. Cooper Mk IV 'T51' [F2-7-60] (Stan Jones): Delivered to Stan Jones (Australia) according to the Cooper Register.
  4. Cooper Mk IV 'T51' ['CTA/59/F1'] (Arnold Glass): Tommy Atkins team built a new Cooper for the 1959 season to be fitted with a Maserati 250S engine. The car was purpose-built by Harry Pearce at the Atkins' team workshops so does not appear in Cooper records. It is given the number 'CTA/59/F1' here to aid identification. Both the Formula 1 Register and John Blanden identify this car as F2-15-58, a F2 T45 used by the Atkins team in 1958, but Doug Nye makes it quite clear the 1959 car was newly built. After a disappointing 1959 season it was sold to Sid Greene of Gilby Engineering for 1960 and raced by son Keith but was uncompetitive and was sold to Arnold Glass for Australian libre racing in August. It was then sold to Dennis Geary in Sep 1961 but he damaged the engine and, still unrepaired, went to John Hough for 1962. He was killed when thrown from the car at Lowood in Sep 1962, only his second race in the car. The damaged car remained with the Hough family thereafter and was still on the family farm in 2016 awaiting restoration.


Note that the identification of individual cars in these results is based on the material presented elsewhere in this site and may in some cases contradict the organisers' published results.

These results have been compiled by David McKinney from a wide rangle of sources, including his own magazine articles and books. The 1959-1963 results are complete but for the 1957 and 1958 seasons, the only cars currently shown in the results are the F1, Intercontinental and F2 cars that feature elsewhere on this site plus the major Australian specials.

All comments, clarifications, corrections and additions are most welcome. Please email Allen (allen@oldracingcars.com) if you can help in any way with our research.